DEGRAVED- whispered morbidity cassette (Gurgling Gore)

DEGRAVED- whispered morbidity cassette (Gurgling Gore)

Degraved is some solid as fuck death metal. This is the kind of band you'd find buried on Death is Just The Beginning and feel your wig get peeled back. Suffocating, esoteric with all the right OSDM influence. The last demo ruled. I started a review and never finished it (sorrrrrrrry). Whispered Morbidity continues to reek and ooze horrific vibes. "Reduced to Bone and Ash" carried in a heavy Morbid Angel style intro. This record does not turn into a blast fest but a slow burn with plenty of churning riffs. When they do pick up speed, you can crank up the resting stank face. 

Degraved get some big ups from me based on the aesthetic they carry across both releases. Not all bands care about the imagery and logos they are putting out, Whispered Morbidity carries over from the 1st demo. Cool illustrations with a good logo. I'm ready for the full-length fellas. Don't rush it. Craft and perfect that motherfucker, all the pieces are here. 
