
Showing posts with the label power electronics

Misery Engine/ XLV split cassette review (Deathbed Tapes)

CBN/ Sleepy split cassette review (Recluse Activity)

Misery Engine "Shahadat" cassette review (Black Artifact)

Snub Nose "coyote" cassette review (AAD)

Misery Engine- El Sayyid Nosair cassette review (Serrated)

WHITEPHOSPHOROUS 2385 cassette review (Orb Tapes)

Interior One- Keyes 2012/ Davie 1984 cassette review (Breathing Problem Productions)

FFH "a step ahead" cassette review NO RENT

Agonal Breathing- Blessed Are Those Who Mourn cassette review (No Rent)

Misery Engine- Eyes of the State LP review Aberrant Recordings

Whitephosphorous- Only The Carrion Birds Will Taste Victory (Skunt) review