Misery Engine- Eyes of the State LP review Aberrant Recordings


Misery Engine- Eyes of the State LP review (Aberrant Recordings)

Make no bones about it, Misery Engine is a top tier project for me. When I saw there was an LP... fuck, I gotta hear this.

Absolutely suffocating power electronics from Misery Engine. Moments of total mania that encapsulate the legitimate concerns of privacy and the idea that everyone and everything is listening. I mean how many times have you spoken about something and then gotten ads served shortly thereafter? 

Straight-up, I enjoy a fair amount of PE but I get tired of the themes. However, Eyes of the State addresses topics that are more relatable. This album is a home run. IMO, a monumental US PE release that directly addresses "oUr FrEeDoMs" and their erosion since 9/11. Soundtrack to the diseased empire. Strap in, Misery Engine delivers again on an epic scale.
