Gnawing Teeth/ New Grasping Machina split cassette review (Black Artifact)


Gnawing Teeth/ New Grasping Machina split cassette review (Black Artifact)

My introduction to New Grasping Machina was on the AAD cassette series and I quite dug that tape. Gnawing Teeth were new to me.

Both sides of this are total heaters. Gnawing Teeth is pulsing, droning, and menacing. I quite enjoy their side of the tape. The tones are pure grit and sound like heavy equipment. I remember the only time I ever saw Totalitar and their guitar tone sounded like a bulldozer running. Gnawing Teeth sound entirely feral and mechanized at the same time.

New Grapsing Machina deliver glitched out mayhem. I gotta say, they really hit a note in the final minute of "Crashing Ship/ Bomb Threat" where through all the chaos comes this blissed out tone while a pulsing cacophony of noise rains down. I reminds me of Ash Ra Tempel or even Les Rallizes Denudes moments where they pull the reigns of the carnage back and beneath it all is a rhythm or tone that somehow works.
