CBN/ Sleepy split cassette review (Recluse Activity)

CBN/ Sleepy split cassette review (Recluse Activity)


Layout makes all the difference in the world to me and I will be goddamned if that CBN album on Phage did not win me over immediately. I am still blown away at how over the top it is. So when I saw there was a new CBN release... no brainer. Total support. This cassette features one new CBN song and it's still bombastic as ever. 

I live in Butthole Ohio and it's full of weird ass mutants. I can't imagine what Nebraska is like. I stopped at a trucker gas station in Nebraska that had a movie theater in it 20 years ago. My dude watched Shrek and made out with some woman in the theater. That whole leg of tour was real weird. Fuck it... over to Sleepy.

Sleepy is on some wild jams. I remember as a kid we had a cat that we found as a stray. We kept it and didn't realize it was pregnant. My brother and I were home with chicken pox and the cat went into labor and it sounded like a fucking war zone in the basement. My mom busted out a wiffle ball bat and ventured downstairs to a bunch of kittens. 

Sleepy is the basement war zone. Wild pulsing synth that sounds like it's from the best pseudo slasher from 1976. There are moments of arcade gunfire, satan calling in from the other side, synth blat, echo, all that stuff to create a memorable side of noise. Both sides rule. Almost sold out. Sell your kidney at a discount to make it happen.
