Brace- the collapse cassette review (Deathbed Tapes)


Brace- the collapse cassette review (Deathbed Tapes)


I had seen folks gushing over Brace "the collapse" online and had to check it out. Immediately, I heard a Fear Factory riff off of Demanufacture. This is a refreshing listen. You have to realize that commercial metal had some sick bands and then it all went to hell (IMO) and "Demanufacture" might have been the last great commercial metal record before nu-metal was born. As a kid, I was all-in on Fudge Tunnel (I had a sick t-shirt), Sepultura (Chaos AD and before) and the side project Nailbomb. Brace wraps up a heady Godflesh influence (see Mind Control) and takes inspiration from that pre-nu-metal era of commercial metal. Feed Them has a bounce that no one really tries in their music any more. 

Old fogey me says that 25 years ago, Brace would get some insane world tour opening slot for a legendary band. Brace would sell a shit ton of CDs and some radio airplay. We're living in butthole level of the Matrix where fucking nerds make money off artists streaming and it's all shit. Anyhow, if you dig early 90's, industrial metal, you should buy this tape and tell the nerds to suck all your dicks. 
