WHITEPHOSPHOROUS 2385 cassette review (Orb Tapes)


WHITEPHOSPHOROUS 2385 cassette review (Orb Tapes)

Bandcamp: https://orbtapes.bandcamp.com/album/2385

Goddamn, I was trying to chill and then the old algorithm said "WHITEPHOSPHOROUS Out on Bandcamp Friday" and ya'll pulled me in. Total hallucinogenic vitriol of the finest proportions. 

I really cherish the hard left power electronics projects and this is no exception."Relentless" reminds you relentlessly that "This is an attempted coup d'etat to get rid of the duly elected president of the United States." You can guess the "news" source. 

"The Storm" ushers in an era of warfare that feels very near. "Homan Square" is a highlight and a crowning song for the post-9/11 "this is for your safety" message that has been used to strip away our rights and privacy. 

"Mob Tactics" is an interesting song because underneath is this shimmering, droning tones. Fuck, this tape rules. Get it now.
