Dwellers of the Twilight Void- demo

Dwellers of the Twilight Void- demo cassette review

Bandcamp: https://dwellersofthetwilightvoid.bandcamp.com/album/demo-1 

Buy the lawn here: https://thisispromulgator.blogspot.com

Yo gimme Blessed Are The Sick era morbid angel recorded on a boom box with fucking ripping lyrics about "ripping out your mind" and "burn your church to the ground". The fucking song Morbid Vader rules and it just dawned on me that this song is NOT about Big Van Vader and I'm kinda pissed. But fuck it, this is the cut of my jib. My introduction to Morbid Angel was the "Rapture" video while I was dusted DEEP in butthole Ohio and then listening to them on some 1-800 number that would let you sample music. I REPEATEDLY LISTENED TO MORBID ANGEL ON A CORDED TELEPHONE CIRCA 1994.  

Seriously though, perfect guitar tone, exceptional vocal delivery, layout is fucking money, two minutes long songs. It's kinda a blend of Repulsion delivery through a Morbid Angel filter. Re-fucking-gardless, do you hate christ, love Tampa, can't stand "Domination", all that shit? Make this an immediate cop. Fuck your kids lunch money. Only Satan is real. 

Oh yeah, some wild ex-member list- Cattlepress, Celebrity Murders, SubZero, Dying Light, Villains. Kudos fellas. This fucking rips.   
