Misery Engine- El Sayyid Nosair cassette review (Serrated)

Misery Engine- El Sayyid Nosair cassette review (Serrated)

Bandcamp: https://serratedtapes.bandcamp.com/album/el-sayyid-nosair

Mutant Autopsy is quickly becoming a Misery Engine stan account. Fuck. 

This was on my pile of things to write about and I am finally knocking it out. Twenty-five seconds into "a rabid dog must be put down" and the whole shit is crashing down. Crackling backdrop with Satan on the mic. The total annihilation from start to finish on this is mesmerizing. Wildly violent moments drop in and out. The final cut "This is War" sums this album up entirely. Imagine that final scene in Children of Men with a dystopia in ruins and this as the score. Yet another classic from Misery Engine. 
