Antediluvian- The Divine Punishment (Nuclear War Now) review


Antediluvian- The Divine Punishment (Nuclear War Now) review

Album of the year for 2021. I like to wait for physicals to arrive before I review them. I have jammed the fuck out of this since it dropped. Entirely primal, psychedelic, and fucked. I seriously feel like I'm on another planet when I listen to this. It is otherworldly. 

Whispered vocals weave in and out. Choirs appear in "How the Watchers Granted the Humans Sex Magick in the Primordial Aeon"and it sounds like you're entering a place of certain doom. You will get brutally bludgeoned via a caveman from another time or planet. Riffs that only Immolation could write drift despondently throughout the entire album and disappear in a blink. 

"All Along The Sigils Deep" is what got me first. So many layers going on. Discordant, psychedelic, and wildly violent. To some listeners, it may sound like listening to Incantation "Onward to Golgotha" while concurrently listening to Beherit "Drawing Down The Moon", which I feel is wholly accurate.

"Tamasic Masturbation Ritual" is such a harrowing song. Every cut ascends into total madness. This album pushes the envelope to a wildly creative and dark place. I don't want to dog other bands that are into sci-fi themes but Antediluvian has crafted a mind melter. These aren't songs about aliens. These are songs written by aliens. It's not meant for everyone but The Divine Punishment can hold the attention of a swath of people because of its bold songwriting. 

The drum sound is like nothing I have ever heard. Not meant in a Lars sorta way. Legit it sounds like driving on a flat tire. I'm not mad at it. I need to see it live. 

The constantly shifting music reminds me of krautrock legends Ash Ra Tempel and their song Amboss. Riffs fly in and out at a breakneck pace and shortly after the 15 minute mark comes total power. Everyone is zoned in. Much like Antediluvian, the drummer from Ash Ra entirely levels his kit. Both drummers drop in and out of the chaos with total freedom.

Take the journey. Drop acid and do hot yoga. Live in a cave. I don't give a fuck. This release will change metal for the next decade or more. Ask yourself; do you want to rehash "Slowly We Rot" or channel astral Satan? I'm NASA man. Inside I'm plasma fam. See you in the next universe.
