Pseudogod- Deathwomb Catechesis (2012)


Pseudogod- Deathwomb Catechesis (2012)

This record dropped when I sold 90% of my record collection so I never got around to buying a copy. For my money, it's one of the greatest death metal albums of the 2000's along with Excoriate and Beyond. 

Pseudogod checks off a lot of boxes for me. A logo that looks like a scab. Promo photos in a morgue with severed limbs. Over the top artwork. The music is total intensity with riffs. Imagine Archgoat meets Incantation. If that doesn't give you a chub, you may need to see a doctor. This record straddles the black and death lines perfectly. There are bands that play similar styles out there; see Teitanblood or Proclamation, but this record really hit home for me over those bands.

They were supposed to play in central-Ohio in 2014 with some suburban NS band from white butthole Ohio. Pseudogod ended up cancelling and playing Cleveland instead and I was thrilled that they wouldn't have to endure the idiocy of central Ohio. Don't get me wrong, there are great bands here but there are cornballs too.

I'm hoping that a new Pseudogod drops. Maybe during the apocalypse. Ten years between releases is far too long. 


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