Kontusion- s/t demo- Self Released

Kontusion- s/t demo- Self Released

Bandcamp: https://kontusionkontusion.bandcamp.com/album/kontusion
I saw the artwork on the Kontusion demo and had to order it. The cover looks like an irradiated skeleton in a cave. Not in a cartoonish way but in a perfect black and white death metal demo way.  

The raw cover art carries over to the demo sound. Raw but not ear-bleeding nonsense. This 4- song demo rips from top to bottom. Not too blast-y with memorable riffs. Plenty of variation with up-tempo parts and non-obnoxious synth. The vocals could be from a cave (perhaps sung by an irradiated skeleton). Kontusion nails the early death metal sound to a t. Charred Remains (which I don't think is about MITB) has that death metal bounce you all love. 

Imagine desecrating graves and smoking skunk to this in Butthole, Ohio. 

Mutant Autopsy co-founder, Genghis Bong, and I were playing a massive game of hide-and-go-seek with heshers and punks in a cemetery circa Halloween 2001 around midnight. The fucking cops came and they called in the chopper. We all got chased out of the cemetery while a helicopter with the spotlight whirled around. It was madness as we tried to headcount everyone and get the fuck out. A handful of folks were arrested. 

Always remember fuck cops, love death, toke that homegrown bud (I'll be ordering that in script for my kitchen decor once my home renovation is complete).

Kontusion are touring soon. Bring them a garbage bag full of stolen gasoline probably unleaded but you might want to email them first to clarify. 

April 28 - Brooklyn, NY - Saint Vitus 

April 29 - Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's 

April 30 - Boston, MA - O’Briens 

May 1 - Rochester, NY - Photo City Music Hall 

May 2 - Toledo, OH - The Ottawa Tavern 

May 3 - Indianapolis, IN - Black Circle Brewery 

May 4 - Pittsburgh, PA - Rock Room 

May 5 - Asbury Park, NJ - Bond St Basement 

May 6 - Richmond, VA - Cobra Cabana 

May 7 - Washington DC - Atlas Brew Works
