CIVEROUS- Decrepit Flesh Relic (Transylvanian) Review

suck my whole dick

CIVEROUS- Decrepit Flesh Relic (Transylvanian)  Review

Label: Transylvanian Tapes


Since the split with Stygian Obsession, I knew I'd be grabbing any new release from Civerous. Big fan of the layout of this cassette. Reminds me of Abadox, an old Nintendo game, that takes place in the intestines  of a giant alien. Legit far cooler concept that Super Mario 3. 

In Abadox, you fight Satan and it looks like his eyes have popped out of their sockets. 

Satan is weird AF.

You fight a rotted ass dog. Abadox is the fucking best. 

Abadox is better than most that other shit you play.

Ok, back to the joints. Civerous plays harrowing death doom that is suitable to listen to while you fight a rotted ass dog in real life. Decrepit Flesh Relic is loaded with atmosphere. Not a total blast fest which I'm totally cool with. Allegedly a vinyl release is coming and I'll be ordering it. Buy a tape today or get the wax later. Blast it and play Abadox. 

Also big props to Transylvanian Tapes. They are constantly releasing cool tapes. They do an exceptional job of documenting death metal throughout CA and beyond. There are a bunch of death metal cassette labels and Transylvanian is one of the best. 
