Moiscus- oligophrenic anthropoids (StumpGrinder) Review

Mosicus Oligophrenic Anthropoids (Stumpgrinder) Review

Label: Stumpgrinder


Dayton rules. From all the insane funk bands to Brainiac to all the wild ass grind bands. Plus it had that metal band Witch that has two good songs but is mad rare. Recommended if you smoke ditch weed. 

Dayton is some of the last bit of cheap midwest living. This Moiscus cassette should be played during the Dayton Dragons 7th inning stretch. That snare is amazing. I listen to this a ton and I hope it's preserved on vinyl at some point. 

Shout out to the Daytonian that shitted a beer can sized turd at a random Dayton Wendy's. It wouldn't flush and I thought I was going to vomit on it. 
