Demoralized demo review (Dynastic Yellow Star)

Demoralized demo review (Dynastic Yellow Star)

In the 90's I worked at a car wash with total lunatics. One served a bunch of prison time for gun theft and meth related incidents. The manager was a total Y2K believer who bought land in Butthole, Ohio to hide on in case the world ended. Later his wife disappeared mysteriously and hasn't been found to date. 

No one took their job seriously. We fucked around, blew shit up, fist fought customers, had aerosol can fire fights, and vandalized shit. I worked with some heshers that were surface level death metal heads. On killer spring/ summer days would blast the fuck out of Spazz, MITB, and Assuck among other death metal rippers. This is totally the style of joint I would blast while some wack-a-doo hillbilly fuckface would get shitty because his door jamb wasn't clean enough.

This is the perfect demo if you hate people or work at a car wash with total lunatics.
