Incarnis- Castigation / Forlorn the Graven Veils (Into It) demo compilation review


Incarnis- Castigation / Forlorn the Graven Veils (Into It) demo compilation review 

Death metal demo reissues are possibly the easiest way to get all my money. I want to hear it all. There is something great about bands that rip and flew under the radar. Shit, here in Butthole, Ohio- the local death metal band in the 90's has only 4 songs on a CD and it's a $500 disc with a real uncool song on it. The Incarnis demo oozes OSDM and checks all the boxes for me. Why Incarnis isn't more well-known is my immediate question. These demos are SOLID death metal. Nothing Earth shattering but solid meat and potatoes.Do yourself a favor and kill christ. 
