Savage Pleasure - A Harrowing Cry From The Shadows (Toxic State) EP

Savage Pleasure- A Harrowing Cry From The Shadows review


This joint makes me want to buy a motorcycle, move to an island, and watch Italian post-apocalyptic movies. There is a lot to enjoy about Savage Pleasure. They hit the right notes for the sound they are going for. Dirge-y, crushing and sorrowful- they do an exceptional job existing in that punk/ metal/ post-punk cross section that on paper may not work with many musicians. In the hands of lesser skilled songwriters this could fall flat but tone and vibe are nailed here. There are a litany of bands that don't quite ascend to the level Savage Pleasure is at. There is a lot to enjoy about this release. Keep your ears to the street for their next step. I'll be sure to check it out. 
