Mutilatred- Determined To Rot (Redefining Darkness) review

Mutilatred- Determined To Rot (Redefining Darkness) review


I have heard the name Mutilatred numerous times over the past several years and finally decided to give "determined to rot" a spin and then proceeded to buy it immediately. This is probably the most violent record I've heard in a minute. It's not a fancy, it's sheer brutality. Slow moving, churning. Remember that scene in Dawn of the Dead when Tom Savini sits at the blood pressure machine in the mall and zombies rip him to shreds? This is the soundtrack.

Not only is this record crazy violent but it's bleak. "Everyone's Doing Shitty" is probably Ohio's state anthem. This isn't goofy satanic shit nor slam or gore. It's "I live in Ohio and it sucks. At least it isn't Indiana." Shout-out to Toledo for delivering a nasty death metal record. 

Additional shout-out to super Satanic La Parka destroying some jobber on the cover. 
