Venomous Echoes- twist of slurs review (digital)


Venomous Echoes- twist of slurs review (digital)

Lemme say this, I fucking dislike digital releases. I understand, I do but damn. Legit might start Mutant Autopsy- the billion dollar waste of money to put out tapes like this because it needs some level of preservation. 

What are they smoking in Kettering, Ohio right now?

Venomous Echoes plays psychedelic, swirling malevolence. I mean comparisons are Portal, Antediluvian, Hexeth, Lust. Huge fan of all of those projects. While Venomous Echoes isn't at those levels yet, they easily could be as the project evolves. "Pulsating Spheres of Concubines" starts to hit those high notes. The one minute mark is where the rubber meets the road. Things get free and loose. Three minutes in and you're ping-ponging around angular riffs with such a fucking ripping guitar tone. The vocal stylings set this project apart. A blossoming and rotten Ohio treasure. 

Seriously, drop Mutant Autopsy a note on IG. 
