Drifter s/t 2021 demo (self-released) Review


Drifter s/t 2021 demo (self-released) Review

Growing up in butthole Ohio, I met a lot of eccentrics. It's still true to this day living in mostly butthole Ohio. Maybe I'm cursed. One of my memories from hella butthole was my neighbor's family. There were three of them; an adopted daughter, a son who was two years older than me, and the older brother, Shannon. He was at least 12 years older than me.

We weren't allowed in Shannon's room when he wasn't there. We weren't allowed in it when he was there. I was over at the neighbors playing with their son that was about my age and we had to go into Shannon's room to let him know he had a phone call. He was hanging out with two topless lady friends and we ran out screaming.

One summer, Shannon cut the porch off the house with a chainsaw. Like cut the legs out and the porch tipped and fell. I don't know why he did that. The entire sequence was in plain view of the kitchen table where I was eating dinner with my parents. My dad said "Don't look." but I still watched because everyone was watching, mouths agape. Shannon and his family moved to FL, fittingly. He probably fights dolphins. 

This demo would be Shannon's jammer. Early heavy metal vibes. I may chainsaw my porch this weekend in honor of Drifter. 

Overall this has cool, British heavy metal vibes. I don't want to call this a corny copycat of a bygone era. It feels more organic and focused than an over the top tribute/ cover band. 

Also props to Drifter for sending me a demo in a cereal box. I once received Venom records in a pizza box so one love to food, cereal, pizza, and mail. 
