Rothadas- s/t DEMO (Life After Death) Review


Rothadas- s/t DEMO (Life After Death) Review


I peeped the Rothadas full length and was like wwwwwwwwwwttttttffffffffffff is this jammer??? Total Hungarian Euro death doom monolith. Then I realized like a fucking idiot I missed out on the Life After Death issue of the demo (shout out to Youngstown). LO AND BEHOLD Sunshine Ward had a copy. Copped. Immediately. 

I write about death doom a bunch. It rules when done correctly. Did you have any doubt that this wouldn't be disgusting ass filth? It has a mood that is ominous. And at the three-and-a-half minute mark of Hantolt Mereg it busts loose. What does Hantolt Mereg mean? After clicking on every possible translator that doesn't work. I learned it mean "He Stared". FfFFFFfffuuuuccckk does that mean? I hope it's wrong because my skin is crawling. 

Their other song on the demo is "Hompolygo Kor" means "Rolling Disease". Fuck yeah rolling disease sounds weird. There is an article published on 12-31-1938 about Rolling Disease in rats. When I consult WebMD I don't get shit. Guess those 1938 motherfuckers wore a mask or we are already dead. 

My wife bored to death while I blather on about Rothadas demo and how I need the full-length. 
