Besotten- In Filth It Will Be Found (self-released) Review

Besotten- In Filth It Will Be Found (self-released) Review

In the 90's my dad would work as a director at a church camp. I would help my dad out and be a counselor during the summer for all these butthole Ohio hell-pit motherfuckers. I was the one blasting the most blasphemous shit and playing wild ass pranks. I introduced kids to Incantation, Immolation, Cannibal Corpse, and more. I would legit pack a huge ass bag full of CDs and cassettes. As an adult, one of those kids stopped me on the street in Columbus and it was strange. I was living like even more of a maniac at the time in a huge ass house with total freaks. 

Let's Smoke The Smoke of Satan

Anyhow, this is the kinda joint I would blast at church camp. It's on the doomier side of death doom but that ain't mean I don't enjoy it. "Putrid Metamorphosis" is like scaring the fuck out of a kid in the middle of the night by punching a hole through a screen and trying to pull him out of his bunk not that I know anything about that. 

The real wild shit about where I used to be a counselor is that the lake was man made and there are homes underwater which is mad weird to think about.

Legit though, this demo is some mid-to-slow paced death that has me envisioning some Amish looking zombies crawling out of the lake to cause problems with the god squad. Sold out from the band. You might find one at Headsplit or if you come correct with some cheeseburgers. 
