Flesh Crusher- Bastardized (Noise Horde) Review

Flesh Crusher- Bastardized (Noise Horde) Review

Label https://noisehordeproductions.bigcartel.com

Bandcamp https://fleshcrusherswe.bandcamp.com/releases

If you have named your first born "Like an Everflowing Stream" you should buy this tape. 

First, props to Swedish mail. I order occasionally from Sweden and it is so fast. This was shipped on a Thursday and arrived on Tuesday. Limited to 50 copies. Pose or die or just die IDGAF.

Second, the important shit. Chainsaw guitar tone. Raw death metal jams. Fast, loose, and perfect. My favorite song is "Dissect the Savior." I couldn't order this fast enough after discovering it on Bandcamp. Can you say GOTHENBURG? If not, suck all my dicks. 

Third, more yellow and orange in death metal. Single color demos are the best. ONLY ONE COLOR IS REAL. Did I order this because it is orange? A GENTLEMAN NEVER TELLS.

Much like the Luminiferous Aether demo review, I need a sharpie t-shirt of the demo artwork and logo so I can wash it and ruin some other clothing in the process. 

Things to do next

  • Order the demo
  • Drink cider
  • Puke on Christ
  • Listen to the demo while drunk because the Swedish mail is that fucking fast
  • Hail fucking Satan

Me, marveling at the Swedish postal system and conducting a blood ceremony while society crumbles around me. 
