Haalbuaer- Mortal Ones Scream in Horror (Goat Throne) Review

Haalbuaer- Mortal Ones Scream in Horror (Goat Throne) Review

Bandcamp https://goatthronerecords.bandcamp.com/album/mortal-ones-scream-in-horror

When I was in high school, I'd visit my local record store and look for used cassette tapes. They were as cheap as $.50 and as high as $3. It was a wild spot for insane death metal. Haalbuaer was the kind of stuff I'd be searching for. 

Death-Like Blaspheming Carnage

Solid mid-paced OSDM worship from total maniacs from Norway. Doom-y rotten to the core death metal. This nails the sound. If you've committed Mental Funeral to memory, give this a go. Artwork is super gritty and reminds me of Infester "to the depths" artwork but a touch more raw. 

I've been looking at buying a house in Norway. Maybe I can chill with these folks. Hail satan. 
