Ballerina in Blood- I am that which lies beneath a bed of bones cassette review (Deathbed Tapes)


Ballerina in Blood- I am that which lies beneath a bed of bones cassette review (Deathbed Tapes)


My bitch ass sister was a ballerina. She is holding some eternal grudge that I didn't visit her in the hospital when she had knee surgery when she was like 14. In retrospect, I should have pulled the plug on her but fuck it. 

Fuliginous Armor starts the party like you're out in the woods and one of two things is happening. You are either surrounded by a scourge of locusts or your mind is going to explode. Truthfully, it's the latter and your brain is righteously scrambled by Ballerina in Blood. Get me to the mid-six minute mark when the chaos drops out and low end shredder is like listening to a drum and bass CD in an ancient Honda Civic.

Shout out to the cover because that house looks like a home I grew up in deep in Butthole Ohio. I hated that place for some reason. One morning, my mom woke up and a downstairs bedroom window had been propped open with a stick. Fucking eerie shit and we could have been on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. 
