Like Weeds/ Bastard Noise split cassette review (Orb Tapes)

Like Weeds/ Bastard Noise "human free eden" split cassette review (Orb Tapes)


Like Weeds is a perfect pairing with the graphic novel Eternaut. I think it's out of print currently but it's an Argentinian alien invasion story from the 1950's that was released by Fantagraphics. Like Weeds builds a mammoth sound built around the unknown. Is human free eden filled with extraterrestrials? The sirens in "Lives at War" are extremely ominous along with the screeching metal. Cool vibes on this side.  

There are two musical groups that are peak for me; Public Enemy and Man is the Bastard/ Bastard Noise. I was introduced to MITB through Vacuum mail-order and purchased the Aunt Mary split. I was familiar with Victory Records styled hardcore and MITB fucking destroyed me. Skull servant eternal. 

Now for the Bastard Noise side of this cassette. Total alien landscape with plenty of space so that you aren't getting pummeled into dust. However, this is a 32 minute ride so strap in because there is a story here. "Megalomania Complex" moves at a glacial pace, annihilating everything in its path. In another review, I mentioned watching tsunami videos and this is exactly the style of noise to watch mankind get crushed by nature. 

Noises skitter across the background and drift in and out. Massive, encompassing, and powerful. Industrial rhythms appear while screaming war-games are played above it propelling the song to the next chapter of total mind eradication. Hail the skull.
