Exome- a journey into the void cassette review (Deathbed Tapes)


Exome- a journey into the void cassette review (Deathbed Tapes)

Bandcamp: https://deathbedtapes.bandcamp.com/album/a-journey-into-the-void

I enjoyed the last Exome cassette on Black Artifact that I had to cop this (missed their other new release sadly). Exome picks back up being a total speaker shredder of low-end rumble paired with searing, jarring violence. 

This cassette exemplifies what I enjoy about harsh noise, complete and total abandon. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy intricate cuts, intentionality, and mood but projects like Exome I am able to zone into and get lost in the mayhem. This is exactly the project I will throw on when I am working on paid advertising campaigns or writing long-form SEO content for my job (boring, I know). It effectively tunes out everything around me and allows me to be in my head and work creatively or analytically. There are hair pin twists and turns throughout this release that have be jumping back to bandcamp to replay a portion because it moves me in some capacity. Shout out to Exome for this massive release. Looking forward to what's next! 
